Being fatigued or feeling lethargic throughout the day is not a good feeling, right? But why do you feel this way, ever thought about it? You are eating good food, hitting the gym regularly, taking care of yourself, and taking carry of your gut!
Oh, are you taking care of your gut? If after following the best of the best diet regime you aren’t feeling energetically high then it’s not the food it’s your gut microbiome which is not in a great state. When your gut microbiome is in a dysbiosis state where the good bacteria is lower and the bad bacteria is winning over them you feel drained and low on that spark of energy.
How one can make this thing right and bring back your energy supplies to top-notch levels the solution is right in front of you a Functional medicine nutritionist who can guide you better to navigate through your gut and help you with all the necessary understanding to pump up your energy and heath.
We take care of our house, our office, kids/ husband, and others, but where are we prioritizing our own health and most importantly our gut! If your GI tract is unable to absorb food, it will never provide the energy required to carry out all of its functions.
This also causes inflammation and gives rise to several infections in the body. To help in better absorption of the food you need to heal your gut lining and improve the gut microbiome is where you need us!
Prevention is better than cure!! The philosophy of functional medicine nutrition focuses on identifying the root cause of imbalances in the body, leading to degrade the functioning of the body. So, this functional medicine approach helps me to play detective in my client’s life in order to find the root cause and move them toward resolution.
It considers the circle of life starting from antecedents, mediators, and triggers along with lifestyle and diet, thus including career, finance, exercise, social connection, purpose, love, and health, as equally important for optimal well-being.
Functional medicine includes natural therapies like functional foods, supplements, and lifestyle tools to heal the body, aiming to reconnect with nature and the circadian rhythm of the body. This approach helps to treat the conditions and keep the body in remission and sometimes also helps in the reversal of the conditions and brings back the energy levels into action.
Let me give you 4 insiders in bits and pieces to maximize your energy levels in our functional nutrition way:
- Accountability: When we get busy with our Jobs, Household work, or social meetings we tend to forget our beloved body right? Just to be that anchor for you all we play the role of a person who can take care of your diet on your behalf, we take that accountability for your health and help you reach your goals.
- Playing detectives: Not everything is seen from the above length sometimes the problems lie beneath; Functional nutritionists try to find the roots of your health-related problems and also find cures for them with their natural supplement tools.
- Counselling: Nutrition counselling helps the client to know the deep thought behind every diet plan along with the supplements which play a crucial role in healing the body. This makes them believe in the sustainability of the efforts and determination of the diet plan which helps them to maximize their health.
- Reaching the goals: Reaching to your weight loss goals becomes easier but sticking to it, is the hardest part, agreed! Sustainability is the key. for eg: if someone has Vit d3 at 60 levels we still require it to be 80 as this becomes the sustainable level and best one for the body to work energetically without feeling drained all the time. Optimal nutrition helps to maximize your health.
Functional Nutritionists are like your drivers for life’s bus, how the passengers rely on their driver in such a way we are like mediators to follow your body and gut roadmap and heal you to make the stronger you! By adding some major supplements and giving you a personalized diet plan which gives your body the needed rest as well as its time to come by stronger and healthier.