Lifestyle Educator
Lifestyle Educator
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Achieve Your Health And Weightloss Goals Through Nutrition & Lifestyle Measures
You become what you think and what you eat!
Simple but eternally true. A philosophy that has guided and moulded Karishmma Chawla, the Gut Health Nutritionist and a Healthy Lifestyle Coach.
MIND- BODY SYNERGY through nutritional guidance and lifestyle measures.
Fads come and go, but good eating is irreplaceable. And nutritionist and healthy lifestyle coach Karishmma Chawla truly believes that good health begins with gut health – the body’s second brain. Karishmma has built and evolved her decade-long practice with a clear focus on the gut microbiome balance, gut brain connection, and hormones as a way to help raise metabolism in order to make your body work for you to achieve a healthy weight.
As one of the best nutritionist in Mumbai, she helps you understand the function of food and its significance in prevention, management and treatment of health disorders, fitness goals and achieve optimal well being, thereby changing your relationship with food, motivating you to make the correct food and lifestyle choices empowering yourself rather than giving into wrong eating habits.
She helps in the process of self-discovery, finding an intrinsic factor that makes the process of unlearning old habits into learning and adopting new ones that can help with health and fitness goals.
Also, depending on your needs and medical history; Karishmma administers guidance and correctional nutritional services for people with pre-existing conditions such as Obesity, PCOS, Thyroid Disorders, Menopause, Blood Pressure, Dyslipidemia, Low Stomach Acid, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes type 2, Allergies, Skin care nutrition, Lactose Intolerance, And Weight Loss Management In Adults As Well As Children.
Begin your lifestyle transformation journey now
Areas of Expertise
Weight Management
Fitness is a lifestyle and starts with a decision to become healthier. Fat loss and muscle gain are by-products of clean eating coupled with a healthy lifestyle. A healthy weight is achieved not just by the food we eat but also by finding the right balance in other parameters of life such as career, finance, exercise, stress, and spiritual pursuits. Our weight loss coach online guide you with adding the right kind of carbohydrates, lean protein , high-quality fats, adequate fiber, and eliminating low-quality foods along with devising a holistic plan entailing certain aspect of life that needs a little more attention and care to achieve your health goals.
Gut Health
A healthy gut microbiome is one without disease, that is full of diverse bacteria that produce essential vitamins, short-chain fatty acids, and immune regulating compounds. The gut microbiome helps to prevent diseases, reduce inflammation, relieve constipation, helps with food allergies, regulate mood, enhance the immune system, and most importantly help in body weight management. We guide you to identify and remove gut triggers such as sugar, processed foods, gluten, soy, corn, and sometimes dairy and include real whole foods high in fiber, and also add fermented foods that are rich in beneficial bacteria essential for optimal gut health.
Hormone Health
The foods we eat play a big role in hormone balance. Our hormones are made using amino acids from protein and fatty acids from fats. The better quality materials we use, the better quality hormones our body creates, variety is equally important. Every type of food has a different structure and offers a different group of micro & macronutrients. The best quality hormones are imperative for the optimal performance of the body. Good hormone health reduces the risk of diabetes, increases fertility, and lowers body fat. Our nutritional expert guides you with our Hormone friendly guide that includes foods with lean protein, high-quality fat, foods that are rich in vitamin A, magnesium, and omega 3 fatty acids.
Skin Care
We are the foods we eat, the fluids we drink, the air we breathe, and the thoughts we think. A blemish on the skin is more likely to be a sign of imbalance largely related to nutrition. Our skin care specialist guides you with identifying the potential triggers such as an imbalance in hormone health, compromised gut microbiome, or a toxic liver or gall bladder due to internal or external factors and treating the same with foods, supplements, and lifestyle measures to help your skin become more radiant from within.
Pre & Post workout Nutrition
Pre workout nutrition fuels a powerful workout, and post workout nutrition boosts recovery coupled with fat loss and muscle gain. We understand the level of your workout intensity and help you make the right food choices for a powerful pre and post workout meal consisting of a balance of low or high Gi carbohydrates, slow or fast absorbing protein in the form of foods and supplements.
is a time of anabolism, and therefore women should definitely eat more when pregnant than they typically do. It is important to note that controlled weight gain is extremely critical part of pregnancy. To ensure the right weight gain, we help you understand how to incorporate additional calories from complex carbohydrates, lean protein and high quality fats. Our pregnancy nutritional program help you to eat a variety of nutrient dense foods for the optimal well being of the mother and the child.
Brain Health
The brain thrives on exercise, social connection, and good nutrition to function at its best. The right choices of foods can help protect the brain from damage and support efficient functioning. We guide you to help eliminate processed foods and stimulants that are often over used and replace these with nutrient dense foods and particularly foods like whole grains, eggs, nuts, oily fish, tomato, pumpkin seeds, broccoli and black currants help to keep your grey matter happy and healthy.
Brain Health
The brain thrives on exercise, social connection, and good nutrition to function at its best. The right choices of foods can help protect the brain from damage and support efficient functioning. We guide you to help eliminate processed foods and stimulants that are often over used and replace these with nutrient dense foods and particularly foods like whole grains, eggs, nuts, oily fish, tomato, pumpkin seeds, broccoli and black currants help to keep your grey matter happy and healthy.
Begin your Mind-Body Lifestyle Transformation Now…
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What People Say
Thanks dear for always been there!
Thank you Karishmma and stay fit and glowing for time to come …
My journey with her has been thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening.
Thanks to Karishmma Chawla’s help I don’t feel like I’ve undergone a surgery 4 months back.